This photo of the 57-58 Evreux basketball team was submitted by Guillermo Cortez No. 45.
If you can supply any other names contact the web master so he can add them to the photo.
Oct 1952 317thTCW C-119 on approach to BW-1 Greenland.
41st TCS Radio Operator Sam Rabon pictured.
The 41st Now and Then
Today's 41st Airlift Squadron is based at Pope AFB, North Carolina.
The"now" photo below was taken during a current Middle East deployment in support of Army operations in Iraq. .
The "then" photo below was taken 50 years ago when the 41st was based at Neubiberg Air Base, Germany
C-119's of the 41st Troop Carrier Squadron are being loaded in support of the US Army based in France at that time.
(photo submited by Jim Robinson, 41TCS Vet.)
This is a photo of the Quality Control Group who served from 1955-1958 at Evreux-Fauville Air Base. The photo was submitted by Dora Springer whose late husband T/Sgt Harold Springer is in the photo along with Worth Brisco and Harry Deutch. Perhaps some of our members may recognize some of the others in the photo.
Ray Parks at the 317th Communications Squadron quonset hut Ray Parks with a Berlin Police officer at the at the
Rhein Main Air Base Germany 1952. east sector border. 1952
Airmen's Ball Invitation - April 30, 1960 (Photo contributed by Ed Piles) |
Evreux C-130s enroute to Africa during Congo crisis (Photo contributed by Chuck Howard) |