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Two Photos Submitted by Guillermo Cortez, He was stationed at Evreux from 1957 to 1959


Maj. TIm Timmons, son of 317th VG vice-president Jim Timmons, visited his Dad's former duty station, Evreux Air Base. Col. Patrice Le Mao of the French Air Force gave Tim a grand tour.

Click on any of the photos below to view a larger image.

Tim presents Col. Le Mao with a coffee mug bearing his unit's insignia.
The tres versatile C-160 Transall in one of the base maintenance hangers.
This old French air force transport will soon under go restoration as part of the effort to preserve the base history. Tim was introduced by Col. Le Mao to two of the local military historians.
Madison Timmons, Tim's daughter, hams it up with Col. Le Mao

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