Evreux Veterans Day Reunion
26 June 1999
Reunion Report The Evreux Reunion was a never to be forgotten experience that was enjoyed by all who attended. There were 70 veterans and wives in attendance representing all the major squadrons that were assigned to Evreux Air Base. From the C-119 era in the early 1950s was the 465th TCW, the 780th and 781st. From the C-130 era was the 317th CAMS, the 39th and 40th TCS. The medical, supply and accounting offices were also represented. Friday evening June 25th, we attended a Big Band concert which featured
the multi-national SHAPE Ambassador After the Mayor's welcoming speech, the veteran's responded by giving him a "Certificate of Thanks" for the town's hospitality over the years; it was signed by all the veterans in attendance. French Air Force buses took us from the Mayor's reception to the Base, where a memorial ceremony was held for a US serviceman who lost his life during the construction of the trailor park on the base in 1955. Afterwards, we attended a luncheon at the officer's mess. The decorations there were splendid. There were many pictures of the base taken in the 50's and 60's on display as well as models of a USAF C-119 and C-130A. The base commander Col. Pavillet gave us a warm welcome and awarded 3 nice plaques to individuals who helped with the reunion. MGen Chuck Wilson of the 465th, Maj. Dale Huhmann of the Air Attache's office and Jim Timmons of the 317th were the recipients. After lunch we boarded buses for a tour of the base. We were treated
to exciting demonstrations by the French Air Force Commandos, which included
parachute jumps, hand to hand combat and attack dog demonstrations. We
toured the transport squadron aircraft, which is the C-160 Transall. This
airplane is very similar to the C-130 except that it has 2 engines. The
C-160 flight simulator was quite a thrill. The video presentation provides
such a realistic moving The tour ended at 6PM and we returned to our hotels for some rest before the evening activities. We returned to the base at 8:30PM and were treated to cocktails and a delicious lobster dinner. There were 250 people in attendance, the French Air Force had invited the civilians who worked at the base in the 50's and 60's as well as other guests. After dinner there was a very moving flag ceremony. When the American national anthem was played all the vets sang out the "Star Spangled Banner" 'with all their hearts. The French did the same when their national anthem was played. The Shape Ambassadors Band played dance music till well after midnight, when a disc jockey took over till the wee hours of the morning. Everyone there had a thoroughly enjoyable evening. The next day Sunday started at 1:30 PM with a bus ride through the French Country side to "Champ de Bataille" a beautiful old chateau; where we toured the beautiful gardens with their fragrant flowers and the chateau's rooms filled with interesting antiques. I just want to say, I feel, hope and wish that this reunion is not the final chapter, but rather the renewal of our ties with Evreux. --Jim Timmons
here for Evreux Reunion Photo Album |