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Our membership is opened to all 317th veterans that have served in or under the 317th TCW/317th AG, including veterans of the 39th TCS, 40th TCS and 41st TCS. Widows, sons and daughters of 317th veterans are also welcomed to join. If you are interested in joining send us an email letting us know your name , mailing address and when and where you served with the 317th. Here's our email registrar's address:  Put 317VG Membership in the email header

*** Attention 41st Airlift Squadron Veterans***

Although the 41st has not been attached to the 317th since1993, you are still eligible to join.--- Once a BlackCat, Always a BlackCat.---

***Attention Evreux Alumni Members***

The 317th Veterans Group has always enjoyed a close relationship with the Evreux Alumni and our combined groups have attended several of the reunions hosted by the French Air Force at Evreux. We have extended an open invitation to all Evreux Alumni members to join our group and attend our reunions.




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