Reunion Chairman's Report The 2001 317th Veterans Group Seattle Reunion has come and gone. On behalf of the Reunion Committee, I would like to thank everyone who came to the reunion. Everyone who attended had a great time. The tours through Seattle and the Boeing 747/767 factory were a lot of fun, and guess what, we had sunshine for all four days. Yes, I know, very unusual for Seattle. The hospitality room was a big success. We spent a lot of time in the room, swapping stories and renewing friendships. A lot of the members brought pictures and memorabilia, which we all enjoyed. The banquet and dance was a great time for us to gather together. One of the highlights, was being re-administered the oath we took when we enlisted in the Air Force, by a U.S. Air Force Officer, who joined us in our celebration. We elected a new president, Bill Lloyd, and said goodbye to Jim Timmons, as our outgoing president, and to Kay Hughes as the newsletter editor. We were led by Hank Winters in a very moving remembrance of the veterans we have lost since we last met, and the people who lost their lives September 11. Marty Boleck accepted a George Boleck memorial presentation from Jim Timmons and Bob Hughes, on behalf of the 317th VG, and we agreed to meet again in two years in Dayton, Ohio This reunion was dedicated to the memory of George Boleck, and we think he would have enjoyed it as only George could. Don Satterthwaite